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Page 95: in Exercise 5.1, in entry b.iii., "num" should read as "nums"
Pages 101-102: The answer for Exercise 5.2 (a) has been updated in the resources file. In the call to data.frame, the correct use should have stringsAsFactors=F.
Page 135: The paragraph at the bottom of the page should read:
...This line of code adds two separate horizontal lines, one at y = -5 and the other at y = 5, using h= c(-5,5)
Page 155: The website address within the code lines should read as:
R> dia.url <- ""
Page 206: The website address within the first code line at the bottom of the page should read as:
R> dia.url <- ""
Page 213: Exercise 10.6 (a) (i) should read: ...That is, produce the same vector as loop1.result
in the text.
Exercise 10.6 (a) (ii) should read: Obtain the same result as loop2.result
, the example...
Page 214: In Exercise 10.6 (c) (ii), the code listing line that reads:
matlist1 <- list(matrix(1:4,2,2),matrix(2:5,2,2)
should read:
matlist1 <- list(matrix(1:4,2,2),matrix(2:5,2,2)
Page 238: Exercise 11.3 (b) (ii) should read: 12 factorial is 479,001,600.
Page 280: In Equation 13.6, the index of the sum should be i = 1 rather than i - 1.
Page 307: The answer for Exercise 14.1 (i) has been updated in the resources file. It should appear as follows:
magquan <- quantile(quakes$mag,c(1/3,2/3))
magfac <- cut(quakes$mag,breaks=c(min(quakes$mag),magquan[1],
magquan[2],max(quakes$mag)), include.lowest=TRUE)
Page 317: In the final line of Equation 15.4, a power of 2 should appear after the first set of parentheses.
Page 325: Equation 15.8 should read:
Page 352: In Figure 16-7, the legend should read: (mean - 1 sd)
Page 363: The Note at the end of Section 16.2.5 should read:
...However, most p- and q-functions in R include an optional logical argument, lower.tail
, which defaults to TRUE. Therefore, an alternative is to set lower.tail=FALSE
in any relevant function call...
Page 489: In the final code listing in Section 21.2.3, the line that reads:
R> BETA.HAT <- solve(t(X)
Should instead read:
R> BETA.HAT <- solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%Y
The correct line appears in the resources file, Davies_Part4_Source_Code.R.
Page 530: In Equation 22.1, the last line should read:
HA : At least one of the βj 6 ≠ 0 (for j = p + 1, . . . , q)
Page 568: The website address within the first line of code in the middle of the page should read:
R> dia.url <- ""
Page 590: In Exercise 23.1 (c), the line that reads:
After you open the device and setting the layout, the plot margins...
should read:
After you open the device and set the layout, the plot margins...
Page 606: In Exercise 23.2, the website address within the first line of code at the top of the page should read:
R> dia.url <- ""
Page 619: For later versions of ggplot2, the commands do not center the title, but have it flush-left. In order to center the title, add theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5) )
to the code.
Page 637: The last line of code at the top of the page that reads:
R> axis(2,at=4:1,labels=c("peryel.colors"
should read:
R> axis(2,at=4:1,labels=c("puryel.colors"
Page 671: In Section 25.5.2, install.package("spatstat")
should be install.packages("spatstat")
Page 698: In Exercise 26.1 (b), the first line in the legend of the figure should read: Male RH.
Page 718: The last line of the code in the middle of the page that reads:
should read:
Page 719: The last line of code in the middle of the page that reads:
should read:
And the last line of code at the bottom of the page that reads:
1.771214e-05 2.964305e-05 4.249407e-05 9.543976e-05
should read:
2.260448e-5 3.692132e-05 6.086846e-05 1.258873e-04
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